
четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.

Halong Bay, Vietnam Tourism

Halong Bay - World Heritage Site by UNESCO in Quang Ninh province of Vietnam, a popular tourist destination. The bay is located in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea. Administratively the island belongs to the bay of Halong city, county, and Campha Vandon.The bay includes more than 3,000 islands and small rocks, cliffs and caves. Its area is about 1500 square kilometers Both terrestrial and underwater world is characterized by high biodiversity.Halong means "where the dragon descended into the sea." According to legend, the island of Halong was created by a large dragon. He has always lived in the mountains when he came out, the tail prodolbil valleys and hollows of different shapes. After his immersion in the sea, space, dug his tail, filled with water, leaving only small islands of land. Locals to this day say that the dragon lives in the Bay.
The most civilized island in the Bay can truly be considered Tuanchau. It is here that is the former residence of Ho Chi Minh. Also expected to build on an island resort.Cat Ba - the largest island in Halong Bay. About half of the island in 1986 was declared a national park and is free for tourists and travelers. The island has many lakes, waterfalls and caves, coastal coral reefs. It is well known caves in Halong Bay is a grotto Bona, Maiden and the Heavenly Palace. Also known cave reel, got its name from the sounds of drums, emanating from him in the wind. The most beautiful cave in the opinion of tourists is the grotto Dauge.
Climate - tropical and humid with two seasons: hot, humid summers and dry cold winters. The average temperature - from 15 to 25 ° C.About 1,600 people live in floating houses in four fishing villages: Kyavan, Bahang, and Kongtau Vongveng.Boat tours on Halong Bay with three thousand picturesque islands tend to be organized in Hanoi, but also on the site you can find lots of travel agencies and hotels that offer a "swim." The standard program of excursions (3 days, 2 nights) includes the running of unhurried from island to island, interspersed with recreational activities: climbing a mountain Titov, led a walk through rice fields, the survey of caves and feeding the monkeys.Halong Bay has been listed as World Heritage by UNESCO in 1994.

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