
четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.

Hotel The Mansion at MGM Grand

Many tourists love to not only travel, but do it with maximum comfort. It is for them are the royal apartments and suites in hotels.The Mansion at MGM Grand. The leader was rated hotel The Mansion at MGM Grand, located in the heart of Las Vegas. In it the most luxury rooms, the cheapest of which cost $ 5,000, and there is the most expensive four-suite. And it costs 3 times more. The hotel opened in 1993, but has been updated in 12 years. At 38 floors, 506 rooms located in each of which has its own set of kitchen utensils and a modern TV. It should be noted that the price does not include breakfast and pay only for the own room. The hotel has no shortage of customers, it is predominantly a star. The most famous hotel guests were Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Willis. All items of interior decoration of the hotel completely handmade, even the brass and crystal door handles and window glass. In the style of Italy dominated the design of the XVIII century. The rooms are decorated with some 800 works by Pablo Picasso himself. Inside the room is always a constant temperature of 22 degrees, and the staff, of course, prepared to meet the client at any time of day and night.

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