
понедельник, 16 июля 2012 г.

Behalf of the Kruger National Park

Behalf of the National Kruger's largest natural reserve in the South African region. The size is comparable with the territory of Israel, and Wales. Its area is 20,000 square kilometers The park stretches for 350 km from north to south and 60 km from east to west along the border with Mozambique, between the rivers Crocodile and Limpopo. Besides the Kruger Park, crossing four large rivers, which divide it into the conditional part.
Kruger National Park was created in 1898 as a reserve by the President of the Transvaal P. Kruger. The status of National Park Reserve was in 1926. Kruger National Park was inscribed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
Kruger National Park is unsurpassed in the variety presented here flora and fauna. In the northern part of the park the world's highest concentration of wildlife. The park is home to: elephant, hippo, white rhino, giraffe, 17 species of antelope, lion, leopard, crocodiles and other animals.Tourism in the Kruger National Park
The park is worthy of the attention paid to eco-tourism, and also introduced the latest developments in the field of environmental protection. For tourists in the park is equipped with several named Kruger camps for temporary housing. Each camp is located in the recreation area, which is characteristic for the habitat of a particular group of animals and birds.

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