
понедельник, 16 июля 2012 г.

Volcanic National Park, Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park is one of the most famous attractions of Rwanda. Territory Volcanoes National Park is now bordered by the lands of the Virunga National Park in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as several other environmental areas. Several years ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda launched an initiative to establish a transboundary biosphere reserve, which was supposed to enter, and Volcanoes National Park. Combining several protected areas in the border zone of a few states allow them to take under the protection of the rich biological diversity of the border areas, which are the habitat of great apes, in particular, the mountain gorillas. Strictly speaking, the base of Volcanic National Park, Rwanda is primarily due to the desire to maintain the population of gorillas.
The territory of the national park is 130 square kilometers The park is situated at an altitude of 2.400 m - 4.507 m above sea level. The average annual temperature is +9.6 ° C. At the national park are several extinct volcanoes: Sabyinyo (3.674 m), Gahinga (3.474 m), Bisoke (3.711 m), Muhabura (4.127 m) and Karisimbi - 4.507 m altitude latter is the highest point in Rwanda.
Volcanoes National Park is located on the border of Rwanda, Zaire, where for many years a guerrilla war. Active hostilities in recent years is not observed, but the mines in the forests are common. Tourists are not particularly afraid of mines, however, cause substantial harm to the mountain gorillas - the main "residents" of the park. It is home to rare black mountain gorillas, which number only 650 individuals in the world and about 300 of them are here in Rwanda (Unfortunately, different sources provide different information about the population of gorillas in the park). This national park itself and its inhabitants became known after the Adams Family Studies and the Hollywood film "Gorillas in the Mist", was released in 1988. The film was shot on the work of the famous American zoologist Fossey, who studied thirteen years fauna of this region.
National Park can also boast a variety of law presented by the vegetation in it. Virunga Mountains ecosystem includes the four most distinct plant zones: Bamboo Forest (near the base of the mountains), high (2600-3300 m), sub-alpine zone (3300-4000 m), and Afro-alpine zone (4000 m or more). But the landscape of the Park volcanoes are not confined to forests, besides them there, and Heath, and open meadows, and marshes, and lakes.
Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a renowned center for ecological tourism. It should be noted that the tourism business here is not bad enough organized (in the Central African standards :)). Organized trips to the park to visit groups of mountain gorillas. In the dry season in the park you can climb volcanoes, mountain ranges, offering magnificent views. Rangers are very kind and very familiar with the characteristics and dangers of the forest, and will do everything possible so that the tourists were satisfied with the time in their country.

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